
Start/News/transactions/We backed Hashiona, an app that supports the successful fight against Hashimoto’s disease

We backed Hashiona, an app that supports the successful fight against Hashimoto’s disease

Hashiona is the first platform in Poland created for people struggling with Hashimoto’s disease and hypothyroidism. Its goal is to help calm the symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease in a simple and accessible way. In October 2022, we joined the ranks of investors in this valuable project.

At the heart of the platform is a personalized nutrition program, based on inflammation-reducing diets including lactose and gluten elimination, which has been documented to calm disease symptoms. Hashiona also allows regular tracking of disease symptoms and triggers, generating reports for the treating physician, and offers interactive educational modules – to better understand and manage the disease.
In addition to Aligo VC, the research activities of Hashiona specializing in building technology products and conducting clinical trials are supported by funds, DFRI, Calm/Storm, KAYA and Draper University.

A unique experiment

One of the scientific goals set by Hashiona team is to accurately measure the impact of nutrition on patients’ health and thus – to significantly improve the effectiveness of diets that help people with Hashimoto’s disease. The individualized diets created this way will be made available to patients on Hashion’s mobile app.

By examining the effects of different diets on patients’ health, we will be able to improve the tool that supports the creation of personalized dietary menus and introduce uniform nutritional standards in the area. Making them available in the form of nutritional recommendations from mobile devices makes it possible to reach millions of patients by taking into account their individual needs and removing the barriers associated with participation in hypothyroidism treatment.

ProfMonika Bronkowska an expert in nutritional sciences, a member of the Committee on Nutritional Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and an employee of Hashiona Research.

A growing problem, especially among women

Hashimoto’s disease is a chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland usually leading to the progressive development of hypothyroidism. It is the most common autoimmune disease and disease of the endocrine system, and the most common cause of hypothyroidism. It is estimated that the overt form of autoimmune hypothyroidism affects about 5% of the population, while the subclinical form affects up to 10-15% of the population, with women having the disease ten times more often than men. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the incidence of Hashimoto’s disease, mainly among women of reproductive age.

Hashimoto’s patients need not only medication, but also a diet and lifestyle tailored to their needs. Thus, on the one hand, a holistic approach is needed in the fight against the disease, encompassing many aspects of life, and on the other hand, individual consideration of patients’ needs. At the moment, options for such support in the fight against Hashimoto’s disease are lacking.

DTomasz Kryczka, MD , Hashiona Research